Monday, November 19, 2012

Addison Lane- 2 months

2 Months!
I can't believe it has been over 2 months since my little angel came into our lives!  It feels like we just brought her home yesterday. 
I will say that our lives have changed in so many ways! (It's a good thing) Becoming a Mother has been the biggest blessing and I LOVE it!  I will say that I now understand why my parents worried like they did.  I would do anything and everything for this baby girl.  She is a part of me.  The love I have for her is out of this world.  I never could have imagined how this would feel.  It's a feeling that I can't even begin to describe.   
I have to brag, she is so good!  She keeps me on my toes, but she is such a good baby! It's so cool seeing her personality come out a little.  All she wanted to do the first month was eat, sleep, and poop.  But these days, she is playing, smiling, squealing, cooing (trying her best to talk lol), and paying closer attention to EVERYTHING going on around her.  She doesn't want to miss anything! Unfortunately she starts to do all of these fun things when it's almost time for me to go back to work.  :( That's a subject I don't even want to talk about lol.  I miss my co-wokers, but I am NOT ready to leave my Addie Lane! I am determined to enjoy every single minute of the next 2 weeks and every second I get with her after that!  I have to keep reminding myself that I am not the first mother to have to do this. 
We are so excited that our Addie cake's first Thanksgiving is here and her first christmas is right around the corner!  I can't wait to put up my Christmas decorations this week!!! I'm so ready to see her face when she sees the lights on the tree!  She loves to look at lights.  :)

Like I said, my baby girl is now 2 months old.  In these short 2 months I have already started seeing what works, what doesn't, what she likes and doesn't like, and what I like and don't like...
That being said, here are my 2 month faves:

MAM Pacifiers- these are the only ones she will take and she LOVES them!
Diaper Genie- Love love love this!
Wipes Warmer-  I laughed at the thought of this when registering, but boy am I glad I have one!  She loves a warm wipe!
Lamb mat-  Love this thing!  I wish they made one big enough for me! She loves playtime and tummy time on this.  It's one of her favorite things!
Boppy Pillow-  I loved this for the short time I nursed.  And I use it every now and again when bottle feeding.  I also love propping her up on it so she can look around and propping her up when on her tummy so she can see.
Fisher Price Snug-a-Bunny Swing-  She loves this thing!  She wasn't a huge fan in the very beginning, but now she loves napping in it and watching the birds.  It's so cute!
NUK Bottles-  I am in love with these bottles!  I had alot of trouble finding a bottle that she liked.  I started with other bottles and it would take 45 min - an hour to feed her and she fought the bottle the entire time.  Swapped to these and she drinks like a champ :)
The Bumbo Seat-  I haven't used this much yet, but I am so excited about it!  I tried it for the first time this week and she seems to like it.  I still have to support her head a little and I would never leave her alone in it, but she loves being propped up so she can see things and I can already tell this is going to be a favorite!  (There was a recall on them, I registered and got a "seat belt" for mine)
Graco Pack-n-Play- We have this exact one with the "newborn napper".  She hates the actual flat part (I'm sure it's because the mattress is so thin) but she LOVES the napper.  She is almost at the cut off and I will have to quit using it. Because it's soft and goes up on the sides, they recommend that you do not use once they are able to roll or turn over. The flip side of the napper is a changing pad.  That will come in handy when we travel, but at home I just use her nursery changing pad.  There has never been a diaper so bad we couldn't make it to the nursery.
Fisher Price Snug-a-Bunny Bouncer seat-  I think this is Addie's favorite thing!  She sits in this while I cook, shower, fold laundry, and pretty much any other time.  It vibrates and plays music.  She smiles and squeals at the birds all the time.  It's one of my favorite items because it allows me to get other things done (especially showering!)
I am not claiming to know everything, I am just a new Mommy figuring out what works for me and my baby.  Just figured I'd share for all of the other new Moms out there!
Being a Mommy is the best thing to ever happen to me!  I am so excited for this journey and for what God has in store for me and my little family!


Monday, August 27, 2012

37 weeks!!!
We are getting so close!!! Only 3 more weeks (or less) and we get to meet our little angel!
I haven't blogged in quite a while.  So much has happened!  I have had the last of our showers and all I can say is that we are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends!  We have everything we need! Just waiting for Addison to arrive.  I am currently in the process of washing everything up and I have our bags (almost) packed!

I have been to a couple of Doctor appointments since my last post.  A few weeks ago (@34 1/2 weeks)  we went for our last ultrasound! It was so great getting to see our beautiful baby girl!  Although she was pretty squished :)  At that time, she had already dropped (which I could already tell of  And after all of their measurements, she was weighing in at approximately 6 lbs 1 oz!  Which is about a pound ahead of schedule.  They said that if I go full term, there is a possibility that she could weigh 9 pounds! There is a 20% discrepancy, so she could be smaller...or bigger! lol! We will see! At least I know she is healthy! That's the most important thing!

I have been having contractions for a couple weeks now.  Not just braxton hicks...real contractions! They aren't very strong or close together.  The doctor says that I may end up having her a couple of weeks early, judging by how my body seems to be getting geared up!  I went this past Friday for another check up and I was not dilated.  I go back this Friday for her check we will see :)

  • No particular food cravings!  Just loving to eat! lol! I am definitely soaking up this last bit of being able to snack and not feel too guilty about it :)  Because after she arrives, I'm getting down to business!
  • She is still moving like crazy!! I can tell that she has wayyyy less room and is sliding around.  I love this feeling and even though I can't wait to feel "normal" again...this is definitely the part I will miss the most!  I love feeling her move around.  It always brings a smile to my face ( and maybe a few tears) 
  • My wedding rings have officially been off for a few weeks now :(  It feels so strange to not have them on! My fingers, feet, and ankles love to swell! They go down pretty good if I keep them up and get rest,  but as soon as I'm up and moving the swell right back up! :(  I got a spray tan for Jessica's wedding last weekend and the poor girl couldn't find my ankles to put the cream on them! lol
  • Sleep...hmmm...I WANT to sleep all the time, but when it's time to sleep I can't most of the time.  From my back, to breathing issues, to acid reflux and heartburn, sleep doesn't always come :( It will all be worth it though!
So, needless to say we are VERY excited to meet our baby girl!  I know that she is going to come when she is ready, but I can't help but want to meet her sooner :)  I know that I can't even understand just how it is going to feel to hold her in my arms for the first time but, I imagine it as being the best feeling in the world! I have enjoyed my pregnancy, but I cannot wait to be a mother to our beautiful baby girl!  I can't wait to see Ryan be the awesome Daddy that he is going to be!  It's so exciting and I can't wait to enter this new chapter of our lives! It's going to be a wild and crazy ride but it's going to be the most amazing ride, and I can't wait!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

34 Weeks!!!

Only 6 more weeks, only 40 days!!!

Not too much longer!!! I can't wait to meet my little princess!!

So, It's been a while since I've posted a blog!  Things have been a little busy and I have gotten a little slack! Since my last post, I have had a couple of showers.  We are so blessed to have such great family and friends.  We have a couple more coming up :) We also had our maternity photos taken.  The shoot was so fun! We are so happy with the way the pictures turned out! :)

This week:

Sleep is okay some nights and tough others.  It just depends on how my back feels. 

No specific food cravings lately.  I just find myself wanting to eat less at a time because it feels like it all sits in my chest. lol.

I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions for about a month now, but in the past few days, the feeling seems lower, so I'm starting to wonder if they aren't "real" contractions at this point.  Not sure.  I tend to waddle around alot more these days too.

Addison is moving like crazy still! She likes to push her littlle hiney up, which makes my belly so lopsided :) I love it!  Ryan finally got to feel all of the big movements last night.  Usually, she stops anytime I tell someone to look or feel her move, but she was showing off for her Daddy!  I love the feeling of her wiggling around all day. 

We have a big appointment Friday, we get to see our little angel :)
So excited to see how much she has grown!

I'm going to leave you with some of my favs from our maternity shoot!  Hope ya'll have a fantastic week!:)


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

31 Weeks!!!

Only 8 1/2 weeks to go!!! Yes! That's only 61 days!

So, we are getting closer and closer to meeting our little princess!  It's hard to believe that 7 months have gone by.  I can't wait to hold her in my arms.  I sit and imagine what she's going to look like...will she look like me or Ryan?  What color will her eyes be?  What color hair will she have?  Regardless, she's going to be one beautiful baby!  I can't wait! 

We went last Friday for our Dr appointment and got to hear Addison's strong little heartbeat.  That sound never gets old!  LOVE IT! 

  • Addison is moving all over the place!  Sometimes it feels likes she's kicking, but I mostly feel her moving.  It feels like she is constantly changing positions.  She moves pretty much all day long and I rarely feel her once I go to bed.  She must be on her Mommy's sleep schedule! It would be awesome if she kept that schedule once she's born :)  I think I felt her have hiccups the other day, but I'm not sure.
  • The swelling is a little worse than it has been.  It's especially bad on work days or if I go on a cleaning spree.  My ankles swell pretty bad and my fingers stay a little puffy.  I think alot of that is the heat too. 
  • Sleep is really good.  I do have some back trouble, but I think it's mostly from sleeping on my side.  The pillow tricks work some nights and sometimes they don't.
  • My cravings haven't changed.  I still want fruit, chocolate, chickfila, and firehouse.  I would really love an ICEE right now :/

I had my first Baby Shower this past Saturday and everything was absolutely beautiful!  I am so thankful to have such great friends!  Everything looked amazing!   I want to share some pictures with ya'll.

    Another big weekend ahead!  We have maternity pictures on Saturday and another shower on Sunday:) I can't wait!!!

    See ya'll next time :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

30 Weeks!!!

Wow!  Only 10 more weeks! (really it's 9 1/2 because I'm posting late) It won't be long!!!

So...I'm definitely feeling the pregnancy at this point! Whew!  It's an experience, that's for sure! But it is absolutely going to be worth it! :)

This week:

          Sleep...ahhh sweet sleep!  I am sleeping well these days.  Although all weekend my body decided that I was waking up at 5:30-6 every morning.  I'm not up and down all night or anything though.  Sleeping well through the night.  I was so ready to head to bed last night that I never set my alarm, which resulted in me waking up an hour late and trying to figure out why the room was so bright. lol

          No specific food cravings this week.

          I know I complain about this heat every week, but it is so HOT!  I went to lunch Saturday and was so embarassed because I felt like I was going to melt! We were inside and I could not cool down!  I was sweating so bad! LOL! 

          Moods...hmmm.  I am more emotional now than I have been so far.  It doesn't take much for me to cry.  It ranges from sweet commercials on tv to how insecure I feel at this point.  I wouldn't classify myself as the "crazy pregnant woman" lol but I am definitley full of emotions! (and hormones haha)

          My ankles and feel still swell if I'm on them too long.  Mostly at the end of workdays.  It goes away pretty quickly and isn't very often.

          I am very excited for my first baby shower this weekend!  I am so thankful that we have such great friends and family!  I can't wait I know it's going to be so much fun!  (And Ryan can't wait for his morning of golfing :))  I can't wait to share pictures with ya'll!

          Also, we have a Baby Dr appointment Friday!  So excited to hear her little heartbeat again!  I love that sound!!!  I can't wait to meet our precious baby girl!!! ( here come the tears again lol)  It's just so amazing!  God has blessed me with a great husband who is my very best friend, a wonderful home, a great job, wonderful family and friends, and so many other things...yet he wasn't finished.  He is blessing me with this beautiful baby girl and I can't express how amazing that feels!  I can't wait to see her beautiful face and begin this wonderful new chapter in our lives and I couldn't ask for a better person to share this journey with than Ryan.  He is absolutely amazing, I love him so much, and he is going to be an amazing Daddy!

          I may post again before next week with some baby shower pictures.  I hope you all have a great week!  :)


Thursday, July 5, 2012

29 Weeks!!!

Only 11 more weeks!

Seriously! Only 11 more weeks! Only 73 days! That's insane!

We can't wait to meet you Addsion!!!

          It's HOT HOT HOT outside! Whew! So thankful for AC and my parents having a pool!:)

          Addison is definitely bouncing around like crazy!  It's the cutest thing!  My whole belly moves around and changes shapes.  It's so cute!  I love it!

          My food cravings are still fruit, the chargrilled sandwich at Chickf-fil-a, and CHOCOLATE!!!

          Sleep is still pretty good.  My back gives me a little trouble, so it makes it a little difficult to get comfortable.  My legs and feet get restless if I stay up too late.  And Little Miss Addison likes to wake up super early somedays ;)

          My ankles still swell slightly if I'm on my feet alot.  Mostly at the end of a work day.  My hands stay a little puffy, but I think that the hot weather doesn't help either. 

          My moods are pretty good, still a little irritable with some things and I am a little emotional, but for the most part I'm a pretty happy girl!  I hope the husband agrees :/

          We got her little ruffled diaper cover in that I ordered off of Etsy and it is SO CUTE!  I can't wait to dress her up!!! :)  Pink, flowers, and frilly stuff!!! Yay!

         So excited for all of the upcoming events this month! Between Dr's appointments, maternity photos, and showers, it's going to be fun :):)