Monday, November 19, 2012

Addison Lane- 2 months

2 Months!
I can't believe it has been over 2 months since my little angel came into our lives!  It feels like we just brought her home yesterday. 
I will say that our lives have changed in so many ways! (It's a good thing) Becoming a Mother has been the biggest blessing and I LOVE it!  I will say that I now understand why my parents worried like they did.  I would do anything and everything for this baby girl.  She is a part of me.  The love I have for her is out of this world.  I never could have imagined how this would feel.  It's a feeling that I can't even begin to describe.   
I have to brag, she is so good!  She keeps me on my toes, but she is such a good baby! It's so cool seeing her personality come out a little.  All she wanted to do the first month was eat, sleep, and poop.  But these days, she is playing, smiling, squealing, cooing (trying her best to talk lol), and paying closer attention to EVERYTHING going on around her.  She doesn't want to miss anything! Unfortunately she starts to do all of these fun things when it's almost time for me to go back to work.  :( That's a subject I don't even want to talk about lol.  I miss my co-wokers, but I am NOT ready to leave my Addie Lane! I am determined to enjoy every single minute of the next 2 weeks and every second I get with her after that!  I have to keep reminding myself that I am not the first mother to have to do this. 
We are so excited that our Addie cake's first Thanksgiving is here and her first christmas is right around the corner!  I can't wait to put up my Christmas decorations this week!!! I'm so ready to see her face when she sees the lights on the tree!  She loves to look at lights.  :)

Like I said, my baby girl is now 2 months old.  In these short 2 months I have already started seeing what works, what doesn't, what she likes and doesn't like, and what I like and don't like...
That being said, here are my 2 month faves:

MAM Pacifiers- these are the only ones she will take and she LOVES them!
Diaper Genie- Love love love this!
Wipes Warmer-  I laughed at the thought of this when registering, but boy am I glad I have one!  She loves a warm wipe!
Lamb mat-  Love this thing!  I wish they made one big enough for me! She loves playtime and tummy time on this.  It's one of her favorite things!
Boppy Pillow-  I loved this for the short time I nursed.  And I use it every now and again when bottle feeding.  I also love propping her up on it so she can look around and propping her up when on her tummy so she can see.
Fisher Price Snug-a-Bunny Swing-  She loves this thing!  She wasn't a huge fan in the very beginning, but now she loves napping in it and watching the birds.  It's so cute!
NUK Bottles-  I am in love with these bottles!  I had alot of trouble finding a bottle that she liked.  I started with other bottles and it would take 45 min - an hour to feed her and she fought the bottle the entire time.  Swapped to these and she drinks like a champ :)
The Bumbo Seat-  I haven't used this much yet, but I am so excited about it!  I tried it for the first time this week and she seems to like it.  I still have to support her head a little and I would never leave her alone in it, but she loves being propped up so she can see things and I can already tell this is going to be a favorite!  (There was a recall on them, I registered and got a "seat belt" for mine)
Graco Pack-n-Play- We have this exact one with the "newborn napper".  She hates the actual flat part (I'm sure it's because the mattress is so thin) but she LOVES the napper.  She is almost at the cut off and I will have to quit using it. Because it's soft and goes up on the sides, they recommend that you do not use once they are able to roll or turn over. The flip side of the napper is a changing pad.  That will come in handy when we travel, but at home I just use her nursery changing pad.  There has never been a diaper so bad we couldn't make it to the nursery.
Fisher Price Snug-a-Bunny Bouncer seat-  I think this is Addie's favorite thing!  She sits in this while I cook, shower, fold laundry, and pretty much any other time.  It vibrates and plays music.  She smiles and squeals at the birds all the time.  It's one of my favorite items because it allows me to get other things done (especially showering!)
I am not claiming to know everything, I am just a new Mommy figuring out what works for me and my baby.  Just figured I'd share for all of the other new Moms out there!
Being a Mommy is the best thing to ever happen to me!  I am so excited for this journey and for what God has in store for me and my little family!