Thursday, June 28, 2012

28 Weeks!!!!

Whew!!! Getting closer and closer!

          Okay, so it is really sinking in just how close the arrival of our precious little girl is.  Every day I get more and more anxious to meet her!

-  This week's food craving has been chick-fil-a chargrilled sandwiches...I've eaten 3 so far this week.  lol.  At least it's grilled, right?  And of course, the usual fruit craving.

-  I know I said it last week but I am going to say it again... IT IS HOT! I thought it was hot this past weekend, but I will definitely be staying indoors this weekend! 100+ degrees?!?!? Wow!

-  I have noticed some swelling this week.  Mainly my ankles at the end of the day and my fingers are a little puffy.  The wedding rings are still wearable though :)

-  Big news!!! I passed the 1 hour glucose test! Yay!!! No more yucky drinks and bloodwork!

-  Still loving all of the movement!  She is all over the place and I LOVE IT!  She is so entertaining! 

-  I think I may have had a Braxton Hicks contraction last Friday, but I am not positive.  I haven't had the same feeling since.  Everything just kinda tightened up. 

-  Soooo excited that we are officially in the 3rd Trimester!  It's the final stretch!  It's crazy how fast everything has gone by! 

-  I ordered her ruffled diaper cover from Etsy today! I am so excited!  I plan to use it for her newborn pictures at the hospital and Miss Whitney Jenkins is making a headband to match!!! So excited! Can't wait to see it! :)

-  ALSO,  my cousin Clay and his wife Tori are expecting to meet their baby girl Aria any day now!  I can't wait to meet Miss Priss!!! :) Love ya'll!

Well, I know this week is a short post, but I've pretty much summed it all up!  I hope everyone has a safe weekend celebrating the 4th!  See ya next week!! :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

27 Weeks!!!

Wow! 3rd trimester here we come!!!!

            So, as you can's been a few weeks since my last post.  My laptop has been down for a while.  So glad to have it back :)

          Alot has happened since my last post.  Tons of changes!!!  Addison has really kicked the movement into high gear! She moves ALL the time now.  Definitely an active little girl.  I LOVE IT!  It feels so amazing to be going on about your day and there is this little baby in your belly turning flips!  I find myself laughing and forcing everyone to stare at my belly to watch her move again.  Ryan has to spend the majority of his time on the couch staring at my

          At this point, she weighs over 2 pounds and will be growing very rapidly from this point on.  It is so amazing to think that she will be here in less than 3 months.  We are so excited to meet her and see her beautiful face!

          Sleep and food have been about the same.  Sleeping great throughout the night with no issues.  As far as food, I havent had any strange cravings...still fruit. 

          I think that the urge to start "nesting" is starting to kick in.  NOTHING is clean or organized enough!  I want to rip everything out of cabinets and closets and start over! That may be a project I start this weekend! lol!

          Summer is definitely here and it is HOT!  I know, I know...we are in South Carolina and the temperature will only rise from here.  This summer is going to be interesting!

          Stretch marks have arrived!!! I know that this may not be a "happy" part of the post and some of you may want to skip this part because the last thing you want to do is read about stretch marks, but I'd rather tell the truth than to act like every part of pregnancy is a breeze. They are here and I am not happy about it!  I have lathered myself down with dang Palmer's stretch mark lotion, cream, and tummy butter for the past 7 months and somehow they still apeared!! Agghhhh! Makes me so mad.  BUT! I know that in the end it is worth it!  My precious little baby will be worth every single mark!  I've earned my stripes! lol!

          Heartburn, oh heartburn!  I have come to the conclusion that pretty much EVERYTHING I eat will somehow give me heartburn!  TUMS has become my new best friend!  If the tale is true, this baby should have a head FULL of hair!

          My moods have been pretty good so far.  I am usually in a good mood, but I do find myself snapping a little more.  My patience is not as good as it once was.  I get a little irritated more easily. 

          This summer is going to be the busiest summer that we have had in quite a while!!! Between Dr appts, showers, and wedding festivities we will be busy, busy, busy!!!  It's going to be exciting!  My Baby Dr appointments are getting closer together so that books pretty much every other Friday for me. 

          I went today for my glucose testing.  The drink wasn't that bad, it just tasted like a really flat orange soda.  I never got sick feeling while waiting.  I just hope that I passed!!! I also had to do my pre-natal bloodwork since they hadn't done them yet, so they had to draw a total of 7 vials of blood :/  It wasn't that bad though.  My Mama went for support today and she got to hear Addison's heartbeat for the first time! :) Her little (but very fast) heartbeat was very strong today! LOVE IT!!  We went to the breast feeding class tonight.  It was very informative!  It's a lot to keep up with, but I am sure that it will work out!  I'm excited about it. 

          I have finished the tissue paper pom poms, we just have to hang them.  As soon as they are hanging, I will post pictures!  We finished the wreath for the nursery door!  So, I do have a picture of that to show :)

Thank ya'll again for reading my posts! I hope you all enjoy them and I am glad I get to share our journey! Not much longer!!!  See ya next week:)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

25 Weeks!!!!

and growing...

Sorry I missed posting last week, time got away from me :/

Baby girl Addison is doing great!!! Having ALOT of movement and loving every minute of it!

  •  It has really hit me that we will get to meet her and see her beautiful face in 15 weeks! Only about 3 1/2 months!  It is insane how quickly time has flown by! We are so excited to meet her! I can't wait!!! :):)
  • Speaking of how quickly she will be here, I had a dream the other night that we only had 2 weeks left and I thought I was going into labor and no one would take me to the hospital.  AND we had absolutely nothing for clothes...nothing.  lol.  Thankfully I know that this is not true :) We at least have a place for her to sleep! Haha! I woke up trying to figure out what was going on ;) Too funny!
  • My mood has been okay.  I would say I stay in a good mood, I just cry sometimes over nothing. 
  • Sleep was okay, it did get a little rough but I discovered that if I take a warm bath before bedtime, it really helps.  My legs and feet aren't as restless.
  • FOOD! Ahhh food :) Still craving fruit and just recently Firehouse subs!  Before I got pregnant, I really didn't care for Firehouse, but all of a's what I want.
  • I am very thankful that I haven't had any swelling yet...I hope we can keep it this way.
  • Funny moment of the week:  Trying on my bridesmaid dress for Jessica's doesnt fit! lol  They told me that everything is going to be fine and their seamstress would have no trouble making it '8th month' ready...we'll see! haha! I'm sure they are awesome and will get me taken care of.  So excited for Jessica and Tedmond! Love ya'll!!!
  • As I was putting some dates in my calendar, I realized just how busy this summer is about to be.  I am getting so excited for the showers and feel so blessed to have such loving family and friends!
  • She is moving like crazy!  I catch myself giggling because she is so entertaining! One minute, she's all balled up on my right side ( she loves this side for some reason, i hardly ever feel her venture to the left) and my belly looks lopsided and the next minute, she's completely stretched out.  I can sometimes feel her moving just under my ribs and down low at the same time.  Monday she decided she wanted to camp out at my bladder which made for an interesting day :)

We are doing some finishing touches on her nursery wreath and I am finishing up the pom poms.  As soon as I get everything done I will post pics!

Thank you all for following me!  I am glad I get to share this wonderful experience with ya'll! :):)