Wednesday, July 11, 2012

30 Weeks!!!

Wow!  Only 10 more weeks! (really it's 9 1/2 because I'm posting late) It won't be long!!!

So...I'm definitely feeling the pregnancy at this point! Whew!  It's an experience, that's for sure! But it is absolutely going to be worth it! :)

This week:

          Sleep...ahhh sweet sleep!  I am sleeping well these days.  Although all weekend my body decided that I was waking up at 5:30-6 every morning.  I'm not up and down all night or anything though.  Sleeping well through the night.  I was so ready to head to bed last night that I never set my alarm, which resulted in me waking up an hour late and trying to figure out why the room was so bright. lol

          No specific food cravings this week.

          I know I complain about this heat every week, but it is so HOT!  I went to lunch Saturday and was so embarassed because I felt like I was going to melt! We were inside and I could not cool down!  I was sweating so bad! LOL! 

          Moods...hmmm.  I am more emotional now than I have been so far.  It doesn't take much for me to cry.  It ranges from sweet commercials on tv to how insecure I feel at this point.  I wouldn't classify myself as the "crazy pregnant woman" lol but I am definitley full of emotions! (and hormones haha)

          My ankles and feel still swell if I'm on them too long.  Mostly at the end of workdays.  It goes away pretty quickly and isn't very often.

          I am very excited for my first baby shower this weekend!  I am so thankful that we have such great friends and family!  I can't wait I know it's going to be so much fun!  (And Ryan can't wait for his morning of golfing :))  I can't wait to share pictures with ya'll!

          Also, we have a Baby Dr appointment Friday!  So excited to hear her little heartbeat again!  I love that sound!!!  I can't wait to meet our precious baby girl!!! ( here come the tears again lol)  It's just so amazing!  God has blessed me with a great husband who is my very best friend, a wonderful home, a great job, wonderful family and friends, and so many other things...yet he wasn't finished.  He is blessing me with this beautiful baby girl and I can't express how amazing that feels!  I can't wait to see her beautiful face and begin this wonderful new chapter in our lives and I couldn't ask for a better person to share this journey with than Ryan.  He is absolutely amazing, I love him so much, and he is going to be an amazing Daddy!

          I may post again before next week with some baby shower pictures.  I hope you all have a great week!  :)


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